How to Free Up More Mental Energy
Today's topic is Mindset, and our focus is Closing Open Loops.
Open loops are your mental to-do list in your head. While it's great to have a checklist to tick off, we swap our mental energy if we have an "open loop" that hangs around for an extended period. The culprit here is procrastination. We have all been there. A task you dread doing hangs in your subconscious, needling you for as long as it takes to get it done. The problem is that scenario costs a piece of your precious energy and leaves you feeling drained.
The remedy is to take action. By closing these open loops, you'll free up mental resources to use in a more productive area of your life. You'll also give yourself a boost of feel-good dopamine when you complete a task, making you want to seek out more tasks to complete. Following this pattern will elevate your mood and bring about thoughts of optimism for the future.
If you're keen to tackle this idea, take a moment to think about the open loops you currently have. Which ones can you complete right now? Once you come up with something, get it done. Set aside the open loops you can't complete right this second, and try to close them soon. The boost in mental brain power will be worth it!