Feeling Stuck? Do This! 

Do you feel like you've hit a plateau or are stuck in a rut? It sounds like you need a challenge to conquer.

Setting up a challenge for yourself to tackle will force you to rise to the task, get uncomfortable, and do more work than you want to. This is the key to growth and progressing closer to what we want.

Check out these examples and strategies to find success:

If you struggle to get to the gym, take it one step at a time. Focus on simply putting on your workout clothes. Then, either get in your car or head down to your exercise room and start moving. Start slow, and tell yourself to complete the very next step ahead of you. Try not to get distracted by all the other thoughts in your head; your workout will be finished before you know it.

If you struggle with sticking to your nutrition plan, use a timer. When a craving hits, set a timer for 20 minutes. Tell yourself you can't eat anything unhealthy until the timer goes off. Once the timer rings, try to go for another 20 minutes. Repeat this until the craving disappears or you've reached the end of the day. Sometimes, that's what success takes: a continued focused effort to get the job done.

Are you having trouble getting to bed instead of scrolling? Start your bedtime routine anyway. Brush your teeth, floss, shower, or whatever you usually do. Tell yourself you can return to the couch if you want, but usually, if you start the routine, your mind will drift towards sleep rather than more vegging on the couch.

Is your brain throwing up roadblocks? Realize it might be subconsciously trying to protect you from getting hurt. Our brain likes to make up stories to convince ourselves not to take a risk, to stay where we are, or to give up on whatever we are working towards. First, be aware of when these thoughts arise. Then challenge them! Ask yourself for proof. Is this reality, or are you dreaming up a bunch of "what ifs?" Then ask yourself if this is what you want and the life you want to lead. The answer will probably be hell no. Next, your job is to shift your thinking to executing what you need to progress towards your goals. Remember, you've done hard things before and can do them again.

The key to breaking through a plateau or stagnation is right on the other side of you, saying, "Challenge accepted!" and following through with what you told yourself you would do.

Stay focused, friends!


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